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9:12am 11-23-2017
RobertSanchez pres
Hello Shipmates Just wanted to wish everyone a HAPPY THANKSGIVING and hope everyone is well hope you all vote for location for your next reunion
12:00pm 10-27-2017
Loy Nix
Guess I should have put his name in Rod Limming IC-3
11:57am 10-27-2017
Loy Nix
Hello shipmates. Just wanted to let you know that my buddy & shipmate crossed the bar on September 27 1917. We will miss our friend He could talk your ears off with his stories.. We both served on the B-I 60 to 64. Also served with Curtis Robert & Gene Evens.
6:04pm 10-09-2017
Daniel L Madison
Hello everyone. Daniel Madison here and my first time just looking back on my past. I served on the B.I. during Deep Freeze 73 when we almost destroyed the bow pushing an Iceburg away from the Glomart Chalanger. Not sure of the spelling.
9:46am 10-06-2017
Chris Weakley
I was on 73-75. I was on radars. I was on deck force. I was on restriction mostly. Bob Sanchez suggested that I "let it go ", so I went to the reunion. It's the greatest! I highly recommend, "let it go ", and I'll see you at the next reunion. Till then, take care brothers.
11:04am 09-22-2017
RobertSanchez pres
Hello Shipmates of the BI wow did you all miss a good reunion, had a great time in Vegas the shipmates that were there had a great time met old members and new members. So make sure and join the association so YOU can get the BI scuttlebutt and get information for next reunion membership is cheap $10 per year or $75 life time membership how can you beat that
6:31am 08-14-2017
Stephen Hundhausen
Served aboard the Burton Island on Deep Freeze 75 & 76, in addition to ASW75 & 76 as an FN and EM3. Remember the great crew, hard work and good times.
5:45pm 04-17-2017
john ross
anybody out there that was aboard 59 and 60? I and Ivan Watson were the two divers aboard. just found out that Ivan had passed in 2007 in hawaii where he had lived since early 2000.
11:28am 04-11-2017
John Thurman
John Thurman ADJ3 USN Deep Freeze 68-69
I still tell stories of the bars in Figi and the pubs of NZ. The ladies of weren't bad either! Oh to be young again!
2:19pm 02-24-2017
Alex Glemzu
Served onboard Burton Island from 72 to late 73 as RM2.
10:53am 02-12-2017
Robert Sanchez
BIA reunion dates set for September 11-14 2017 Las Vegas Nv. let's all show up and have a great time see you all there.
10:34am 01-29-2017
Robert Sanchez BIA P
Hello shipmates Just a note to say our BIA Vice-president Jim (Doc) Bowen crossed the bar this morning, and he will be missed. So if you knew him please remember him Thanks
4:25am 01-22-2017
Todd Morris
Served aboard 74 - 76 with David Morehead, below. He is correct about no mention of ASW 75 not being mentioned in the history section. The Glacier do make that trip but once again lost a screw and limped home while the BI took control and finished the job. The old man received a Presidential Commendation and the crew received a Unit Commendation before we left the area.
7:42pm 12-28-2016
mike pingree
did 2 trips south 69 and 70 Log office yeoman, worked for LCDR Eckman and the engineering department. good times.
8:14am 12-23-2016
Robert J Sanchez
Merry Christmas to all the shipmates of the BIA and hope everyone has a Happy and prosperous New Year.
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